CCA works with all local governments, whether they are regulating cannabis or have a ban on commercial activity in place. Our purpose is to provide local jurisdictions access to all commercial cannabis data in their location so that cities and counties can have an accurate understanding of what commercial cannabis activity is happening in their jurisdiction.
CCA is a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) created by counties with cannabis regulatory and taxing authority. CCA’s Board of Directors is made up of one representative from each county that joins the organization. Initially, the day-to-day activities of the organization will be directed by the Board, but as the organization grows, the JPA and Bylaws provide for an Executive Committee to steer day-to-day activities. Cities and other public entities will be allowed to participate in the JPA and access the Platform, but will not be part of the authority’s governance structure. Financial institutions will have access to CCA data by contract as provided by B & P Code Section 26260.
CCA is structured around Members and Participants. Counties are Members and join the JPA when their County Board of Supervisors passes a resolution to adopt the JPA Agreement. Participants are cities and other public agencies who wish to participate in the JPA and receive access to the platform who enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with CCA defining the terms and security of access to the data platform.
Click here to read the Joint Powers Agreement.
Click here to read CCA's ByLaws.
Click here to see a sample resolution authorizing joining the CCA.
Cities are encouraged to participate in CCA and do so by contract. Not only will cities be provided access to the Platform upon their licensees supplying CCA with API Key access to their track and trace data, but they will also be encouraged to work with their County partners to coordinate information sharing for the efficient allocation of inter-jurisdictional transaction information. Also, as more cities within a member county join, the cost of membership and participation for each decline.
The fee structure for membership is set by the CCA Board of Directors. The most recent fee structure includes a base membership fee for each county (cities will pay a reduced rate membership fee) as well as additional fees based on their use of the Platform measured in quarterly sales. This fee structure ensures that every member and participant contribute to the cost of the organization as well as an amount commensurate with their usage of the Platform. The usage fee structure is consistent with other Software as Service providers, financial institutions, and revenue structures, as the amount of data tracked and analyzed is tied to the fee paid.
It is the decision of each member county or city participant to determine what source of funds the fee will originate from, whether it be part of tax proceeds, fee revenue, or another source. Membership fees begin the quarter of joining and usage fees will be charged after the portal to the Platform is established and licensee data is accessed and analyzed.
For more information reach out to us or read our Frequently Asked Questions.